We can personalize each kind of article. We offer to our customers the necessary support for the choice of both materials and of more suitable printing techniques.
More informations about technical features and main ways of use, used materials are below.
ABS is a rigid plastic material used to create light and hard products like tubes, musical instruments (mostly sweet flute and clarinet), Golf bats heads, parts or whole automotive bodyworks, and toys like famous Lego’ s bricks. It’ s tenacious at low temperatures, very hard, resistant to scratches, with high impact resistance. Material is easily recyclable, if not contaminated by other unsuitable plastic types.
Cotton is natural tissue, biodegradable. Light, soft and printable with more colours, both with serigraphy and digital printing. It has a protective function, because It’ s a material that does not scratch and does not irritate epidermis. Cotton is a good heat conductor, but it does not isolate from the cold, it does not foul and does not charge of electrostatic energy. It’ s particularly absorbent, can store a lot of moisture of body, however it is not suitable for prolonged sports activities that make sweat a lot, because weat fibers swell and stick to the skin.
Elastane is a synthetic fiber used a lot to elasticise textiles. It’ s used in clothing (also sport), in Health applications (elastic bandages, diapers). It’ s a light fabric, soft, resistant to abrasion and has high elasticity and dimensional stability (it does not shrink). Being elastic, the yield of printed article is not optimal, for this reason we suggest embroidery.
Jute is natural textile fiber, rough, rigid and very resistant with glittering and golden reflections. It can be worked by itself or mixed with other yarns to realize many objects, like bags, belts, hats and carpets. It has a high burst load, a low extensibility and guarantees a high fabric’ s transpiration. It’ s printable with serigraphy, but it’ s hard to realize logos with small details.
Neoprene is a material belonging to synthetic rubbers family, and it looks like a porous skirt, spongy, whose mass is made up of gaseous cells evenly distributed. Main characteristics are elasticity, cutting and crush resistance, atmospheric aging and heat resistance. Is also inert to many chemical agents, oils and solvents.
Nylon is a particular family of synthetic polyamides. This fiber is characterized, firs of all, of a good resistance to wear, of high elastic recovery, of an easy dyeing and of a good solid colour. It’ s available in different weights.
Pet (Polyethylene terephthalate) is a material resulting from recovery of plastic bottles (polyethylene), mainly used for manufacture of beverages’, food’ s and other liquids’ containers, and in the production of synthetic fibers.
Ecological material, suitable for simple graphics. It can be coupled with a foil printed in offset to increase resistance and personalization.
Recycled pet helps enviroment, reducing consumption of fossil fuels and emission of greenhouse gas, if compared to normal polyester.
Fleece is a synthetic fabric of recent origin, obtained with a particular knitting process, which makes it voluminous and soft. It’ s very hot, washable in washing machine, shrinkproof, uncreasable and economic. It’ s not waterproof, windproof neither, but is ideal for realization of technical clothing used with very low temperatures. Initially used for sport clothing for its practicality, it quickly spreads to all fields of fashion. In addition to embroidery, it’ s printable both in serigraphy and digital transfer.
Yarns of polyester belong to family of synthetic products and are utilized in clothing (especially sport). To combine functional characteristics to a greater comfort in contact with the skin, they often kept mix with natural fibers like, in particular, cotton. Characteristics of this material are a high resistance to abrasion, to folds and heat, a high elasticity and a dimensional stability (they do not shrink). Polyester’ s fabrics, thanks to liquids’ low absorption coefficient, they don’ t absorb humidity, and this keep them impermeable and resistant to dirt.
Polypropylene is a plastic material at high performance in terms of resistance. It possesses high absorption capacity of the bumps and a result duration in time.
It is used for textile, but also as insulation for electrical cables and to produce nets for mosquito nets. It has a low thermal conductivity and a poor absorption of water. It’s very light, resistant to acidity, environmental factors and high temperatures. Easy to clean, take care, to treat and to preserve. Material is easily recyclable if not contaminated by other type of non compatible plastics.
Polyurethane is a material that comes from plastic subjects and you obtain it mixing two elements that at the beginning are liquid.
It’ s hypoallergenic, resistant and breathable and has an high deformability bound to a good level of elasticity and compression.
Thinks to its insulating power, it’ s indicated also for cold places in fact, it is often used in wall insulation and refrigerated cells.
Poly is one of the plastic materials most commonly used in the world. It’ s insensitive to acids, unassailable by microorganisms of mold, and is self-extinguishing, it presents an high rigidity and is an excellent thermal insulation. It does not suffer from moisture, but it is little impact and abrasion resistant. This material is recyclable if not too contaminated by other types of non compatible plastics.
Tnt (non woven fabric) is an industrial product similar to a fabric, but obtained with procedures different from weaving and knitwear, recycling other materials: fibers are layered or crossed, and are mechanically combined together (example with needles), with adhesives or with thermal processes. It’ s water-repellent, resistant to low temperatures, but also high. It’ s soft and not abrasive.
Microfibre is an excellent synthetic fiber, which can be woven with the same texture as a natural fiber fabric, but with very high washability, breathable ability and water repellency. Microfibre fabrics are usually very light, being a variety of polyester, which is made of filaments extremely thin, that resist wear and maintain their original shape.
These fabrics have also the advantage to be composed of relatively strong fibers, if compared to other fabrics of the same lightness.
They have a reduced cost, a great softness and are easy to clean and maintain.